Notre application utilise des cookies techniques permettant son bon fonctionnement. La liste des cookies et de leur utilité est disponible dans notre Politique des cookies.
Bloquer ces cookies empêchera le bon fonctionnement de l'application.
Le traitement des données reste soumis aux principes du RGPD.
En savoir plus sur notre Politique des cookies
Please read the following before navigating on the website. When browsing this website, you agree with the following:
Contact details of the site editor
Under Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, users of the site are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring :
Platform editor
MN Santé Holding
Simplified joint stock company (SAS) with capital of 23 163€
Numéro français d’identification des entreprises : Lyon RCS, numéro 921 378 717
Core activity code (APE) : Data processing, hosting and related activities (6311Z)
Siège social
9, rue du Colonel Pierre Avia – 75015 PARIS
Phone : 04 81 68 25 26
Email :
Publication director Julien Vallas
Hosting of the website
Hosting provider : SynAAps® Datacenter Technologies - Ciril GROUP
Address : 49 Avenue Albert Einstein, 69100 VILLEURBANNE
Registered under SIRET number : 305 163 040 00119
Terms of Use of the website & Privacy policy
Please refer to the Terms of Use provided by your institution (“Help” section accessible from the dashboard).
Cookie information
Browsing the site may cause the installation of cookies on the user's computer. A cookie is a small data file which some sites write to your hard disk when you visit them. This is not an executable program or a virus. A cookie contains information such as the user’s IP address together with information about your visit to the site. A cookie cannot read information on your hard disk or other cookie files created by other sites.
All browsing tracking data is totally anonymous. You can disable cookies on your computer in the settings of your Web browser.
We do not use advertising cookies.
Allocation of jurisdiction
These terms are governed by French law, and the courts with jurisdiction over the company’s head office shall have sole jurisdiction over any disputes resulting from the interpretation or performance hereof. The reference language for settling any disputes is French.